Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Official Girl:The "Girlfriend" title

Okay, so there's always that same scenario that happens to girls in college. You been dating a guy... you like him, you guys go out all the time, you enjoy each other's company, and of course you hook occassionally.... but he doesn't exactly consider you his girlfriend. Labeling a relationship whether girlfriend/boyfriend, friends, or friends with benefits can get messy. What you consider somebody to be may not be the same way they see you.
Usually, guys follow the "Oh we're just friends" route. Not to be totally biased, but there are some girls who use the "just friends" label, but not usually. After a girl recognizes her status with her guy, its up to her to either go along with it, or choose to go on to find something better. There has been situations in my life where i have stayed and went along with the title just because I liked the guy that much. I have learned that there is no reason to settle for less than you deserve.
If a guy does not see the potential in you and how great of a person your are then, hey he's not the one for you. There is something wrong if a guy only wants to be with you behind closed doors. Regardless of who the guy is or what he is, a woman should recognize her self worth.... priceless.

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