Thursday, October 1, 2009

He's just not that into you: Part 3

If you been following any previous posts on my blog, this is the 3rd and final segment to a situation that happened to my friend. She met a guy, liked him, went out with him a few times, turns out he was married... to make a long story short. Well, recently something happened that added more drama to this soap opera. She was at work, doing what she usually does, and this woman asked to speak with her. Looking confused as to why this woman would want to speak with her, she pulled her to the side and spoke with her in private. The woman was holding an infant child may be about 3-5 months old. Of course, anybody reading this knows the outcome of this story. It was infact her new guys wife. The woman didn't cause a major scene she just told her she knew what was going on. My friend, who was in total disbelief, apologized to the woman and told her she her she had no idea that he was married. The woman understood, and responded,"Well, if you are really threw with him, then i'll stay with him." For some reason I could not fathom why any woman married, single, with or without kids would want to stay with a man who was cheating on them. Maybe there is a missing piece to the puzzle that only a married woman will understand.

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