Thursday, November 5, 2009

10 Ways to Say I Love You (Without Saying a Word)

I came across this funny website that is strictly for guys. On the website (I swear thats the actual name of the page) It gives tips for guys who aren't the romantic type. The best article that I came acros was 10 Ways to say I Love You.
These are 3 of my favorite tips from the article.
1. Leave Notes in Unusual Places- For guys that might seem kind of a stupid thing to do, but I actually
 think its really sweet!! Even if  you don't leave a note, a nice text message saying "Hi" does the same thing.
2. Do the Chores Without Even Being Asked- This is probably the BIGGEST tip. No girl wants a sloppy boyfriend. Doing this gesture will probably get you major points with your girl.
3. Make a Special Meal- Im sure in college everbody gets tired of the same fast food or Ramen Noodles diet. Taking the time out to make a meal for your girl shows that you are considerate and thoughtful, just what every girl needs

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