Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sex on the First Date: Good or Bad

One of my favorite talk shows, the Tyra Banks show, was having a heated discussion on a topic that I previously touched upon. Is having sex on the first date good or bad?
My personally view is that there isn't anything wrong with it. People are sexual beings, and there is nothing wrong with embracing that. Women may be afraid to embrace that side of them because of the old double standards.
On the Tyra Show, her team of proffessionals give their advice about the topic.

"It depends on what you want. If that is what you want it to be, then sure go ahead...If you're intimate with someone early and it is really great, you are going to have to get past that to really get to know the person. If it is really bad or awkward, you may never get past it to discover who the person really is."
                                                                                     -Dr. Gary

"Don't be ashamed if you find yourself in bed the next morning. Too often we don't embrace that we have innate sexual desires which are affected by old ideas about how we are "supposed" to act. In turn, we feel badly about ourselves and our decisions, and we shouldn't."
                                                                              -Logan Levkoff, M.S., Sexologist & Relationship Expert

Obvioulsy there is no clear answer, ultimately the decision is up to you.

To read more go to

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